You can speculate all you want about this

…but it basically boils down to politics! How many "programs" were in place that the general public counted on, that are NO LONGER available? It ALL adds up quickly and works AGAINST fighting homelessness! Funding has been cut for SO many programs in the recent past, that many of those programs are NO LONGER available either! Some of those programs were for mental health, which plays a TREMENDOUS role in homelessness! Yes, there are OTHER programs available NOW, but it may be too late for some individuals! Every year they add some new hoop to the programs that are available for homeless people, which FURTHER complicate life for them! That in turn mounts up and turns hope into despair for so many individuals! Employment is not always steady in today’s market – and many homeless people don’t really have a trade to fall back on. Some are fighting for SSI SSDI etc which we all know can take FOREVER! Many people have no one to trust, because they have been hurt that badly in the past! Some have given up hope because no one gives them a chance anymore! Medications are NOT always the "cure" – sometimes they just make things worse, most cause drowsiness in the first place! No one wants to go through life as a zombie – but there are NOT many groups to go to that accept medicaid etc insurances!

What is the point? Homeless people have ENOUGH on their plate to deal with, let alone being labeled "trouble" or "dangerous" as so many people tend to do! It’s time to STOP that behavior and remember – these are people too! There are those individuals that cause problems, including violence – but that is a part of life now, due to society as a whole! When ever the state has a budget crisis, it’s usually the homeless community that ends up suffering the worst! Does that sound right to you? Would you like it if someone did that to you? Homelessness can happen at ANY point in time for almost ANY reason! The world is a cruel place to be homeless in as it is – but Rockford has had SO MUCH to work with in recent years! I STILL believe Rockford can be a leader in Illinois when it comes to handling homeless issues! I’d like to hear some responses so we can seek a solution together! I am preparing to make an appearance at City Council some Monday night, with support to speak in person! I look forward to helping my brothers/sisters!


Douglas Lopes


Short update

I went down to the river earlier and ran into a few homeless people, and spoke to them about my efforts to fight homelessness! Several are willing to speak to media etc on my behalf (or vice versa) to fight to get a broken system fixed!

In other news, we all know the crime rate has been sky rocketing ALL over – but many people STILL seem to blame the homeless population! Stereotyping and/or labeling does NOT help fix a broken system! Besides, MOST crimes are being committed by typical bullies from your typical neighborhoods, rather than homeless people! Most homeless people AVOID situations as such because they don’t WANT drama! So keeping true to my word, I will CONTINUE to be the voice for them as we continue to expose the facts, and fight for their rights and try to fix a broken system!



Latest letter to the city…

First of all, this was NOT just for my own personal benefit – I did what I did and stood up for ALL the homeless people in Rockford!

With that being said: There are SO many people to thank for their support and/or help to make this happen! It’s hard enough to be homeless as it is, especially when situations and circumstances developed that I did not create! Plus the fact that I do not qualify for many of the resources that others do qualify for – because of past child support I owe!

To the people at 555 N. Court Street – thank you for enduring this with me, and for your understanding to what it’s like to be homeless! To the Rockford FD (in regards to the train car) – thank you for making me feel human and not humiliated! To the officer who gave me the donut, and gave me the $10 – I wish to re pay your generosity back! To the other officer who offered me resources at his headquarters – thank you for that! I have followed through with it too! You ALL made the difference to me because I had no where else to go, I have no family here and trust very few people! When I saw the train car, something told me I’d be safe there for a while, and I was.

To the staff at Rosecrance, thank you for encouraging me to make and take the stand that I did!

The homeless people need MORE support like this! They do NOT need more challenges, more hardships, more heartless people… No one should have to live like that or feel alone like that for ANY reason! Our work is NOT done yet because there are SO MANY MORE homeless people in Rockford (and in ALL of Illinois) that deserve the same help! I will CONTINUE to be a voice for the homeless, because I know what it is like to be homeless!


Douglas W. Lopes

PS – please circulate this to the various departments because I have addressed SO many people/departments in regards to tent city and the homeless people!


Fighting for the homeless…

Just some correspondence I am willing to share on behalf of the homeless population – this includes local city & state officials that I have approached/contacted in regards to the situation:


e2xng1w8wt9e21upe6wv5q in, click on Members, scroll down to your legislator, click on their link to the website and if they have an email address it will be to the right under Contacts). the top click on Legislators, select the legislator you need and it will give you their contact information). on Meet your Senator, scroll to the legislator you need. On the next page, you may find their contact information). (Click on Senators, Alphabetical and then scroll to the legislator you need. On the next page, you may find their contact information).

How I got in this situation…



I think it is time to do this because I personally am sick of the games they play there!

I am a graduate of the Men’s Life Recovery Program upstairs – but I have a beef with that as well as men’s crisis and the way it is now being run! Being in the program sounds good, but it doesn’t change life for you at all. However, they paint this big picture of FORGIVENESS upstairs, and yet they themselves hold wrongs against you! I agree they need to weed out those who do not try, or those who are not ready to seriously change, BUT when they know someone is really struggling but they make a choice to do the wrong thing, their solution is to put them out, which places them at greater risk for self harm, among other possibilities! How many have died because they got put out? How many more must die? Is that being a true Christian? What would Jesus do/say/think about that?

I was listening to a bible verse on my phone the one night, and STOPPED it long enough to go to my bunk to look something up in my Bible. After finding what I was looking for I laid back to think about it, and then I fell asleep. Apparently someone decided to give me more problems (this person is known for creating drama) by turning me in for it. The night staff co-ordinator NEVER asked me why at all, or let me explain. He instructed me to get my stuff and leave. Yet there are those whom shoot up and/or drink, and gamble right in the building and yet they are allowed back as if they did nothing wrong, and THEN they turn around and do it again! WTF? Yeah, it’s time to expose this to the public because if we want to HELP others like THIS, than I don’t want that help!

I complied but was informed by other guests WHO had snitched on me – and I knew right away why! So, I confronted the person about it, and staff said – I will make sure you can not come back here ever – upon which I lost my temper with him and called him out. He has no authority to do that, only a case manager or the supervisor can do that – so staff was in the wrong for that statement!

The public has a right to know what is going on behind closed doors – because the PUBLIC is who keeps the place functioning! I have spoken to SEVERAL other advocate resources about this, and they all have told me the same thing – that they are aware of what is going on via other guests… the word is out now… I also have compiled information regarding how some staff is being treated, and how black people tend to get away with more whereas a white person has to jump through more hoops.

Here is the kicker – 3 days later I found out that the person who snitched on me got caught on his phone in the bunk room, along with another guy. HOWEVER, they were NOT put out for the night! Why? I believe it’s because they are black – it’s a no-brainer that the Rockford Rescue Mission caters more to minorities! Also, I was informed that 1 of the guests at the mission was confronted by staff who asked if he was a “faggot” because of the people he saw him with? What the hell is that shit?

I have been ridiculed by staff enough, I have had my confidentiality broken MORE than once by staff – as have a NUMBER of people as well. Any time a black person creates a problem, they RARELY get in serious trouble, but let a white person do it – 9 out of 10 times they will be disciplined including being put out – I have witnessed this in person myself!

I have yet to address how the RRM treats it’s staff – the cooks are NOT happy with the way they get treated. Speaking of cooks, over the past few years 2 cooks have been fired because they were pocketing donated food and preparing food of lesser quality for guests. Were you aware of that?

Guests are being turned away from eating if they do not have proper ID’s on them – what does that have to do with eating a meal? OR They are forced to eat a bag lunch while the rest enjoy a hot meal! How is that being “equal”? I understand they do not have to offer meals in the first place – but to do it like that – is just wrong!

Lastly, reports are that there are guys from the CRISIS beds helping cook in the kitchen WITHOUT having a TB test at all! The person who has allowed that should be FIRED immediately!

Maybe it is time to educate the public about what REALLY goes on behind those closed doors!


Still fighting the good fight…

I am hoping some of the "fighting" I am doing for the less fortunate pays off in the long AND short run – so far it seems to at least be getting some exposure – I promised I would do what I can to make a difference and I meant it! It’s not for my ego – it’s for my friends BECAUSE of my friends! The more support I can get for this – the more support WE can get for THEM!

I have taken the fight to the City & State levels, and have gathered some support along the way! I am SICK to death of ALL these LOCAL/STATE officials who are continually keeping the State of Illinois in limbo! The people deserve better than they are getting – ALL people! Stay tuned for more details…


This is just so wrong…

While I can understand why some people would and do consider "homeless people" as a problem, I have a hard time with it when they start pointing fingers and blaming "homeless people" for creating other problems! My reply is this: to those who have a house, or food on the table or nice clothes on your back – consider yourself either lucky, or blessed – take your pick! Life can be difficult enough as it is, especially when you have no support from anyone, and your only hope is a broken system! But throw these 2 basic needs (where will you lay your head, when will your next meal be) on top of life in general and see if you feel 100% confident and/or comfortable in yourself! Most homeless people only want/need A CHANCE to prove themselves worthy of a 2nd chance in life! Yes, it is up to them to make it or break it from that point forward – but there is an old saying that goes like this:



A reply to TENT CITY from a facebook fan – ROSA

Hello….most have a mental disorder or they have a drug or alcohol problem. Since our lovely state cut, cut, cut and cut mental health centers and treatment centers thus the city has inherited the problems. As you can see our city will PAY one way or the other. Jails. Institutions, or death is their choice when the hand UP is cut, not the hand Out. I worked in a treatment center and it is a revoling door. If you don’t believe me, attend one of their (treatment centers) alumni parties. Maybe 30 people attend after the addict or alike has completed treatment. So, a few thousand go into treatment over and over again because THEY’RE NOT READY TO SURRENDER TO THEIR ADDICTION/ADDICTIONS. Some will never be able to be honest with themselves. I worked in mental health for 10 years. Turning a big ship around takes a lot of time. Granted some choose this life and enjoy the freedom (to some extent.) Meetings for druggies and or allies are free. Just wondering how many of you nay say people have ever breathed the words mental disorders when talking about a family member, friend or child? 1 in 5 people have some type of disorder. Some are more functional then others. I’m positive the homeless have been ignored by most here. Yes, there are those who don’t have the best reputations due to their own making. When some say “Get a Job!” it’s not that easy even if they try. Their job history may be bad or nonexistent. I’m a hard nose old timer and I know when the b.s. Is flying. Please don’t assume your solution or attempt to put them down is a positive solution. There were several transitional work programs through JW. Then the masses, the crooks down state ( rich, fat, white boy’s club) decided to cut the program. I trained hundreds of people and the odds weren’t always good for the clients to seceed. Why? Because every single person on this planet is different. Different in functionality usually ties in with secceding. Do you know there’s apx. 400 – 500 Homeless children? Have you stayed at a homeless shelter? If you don’t believe in Jesus then most leave (at least the one I know of.) Try sleeping in a huge room with sceeming children and women that aren’t always the polite, quiet, ya da ya da? I just can’t my head around people who use concrete statements or suggestions (?) to a complex issue. Like Get a J.O.B. I’m by far not an expert however, I have watched some pull themselves out of the deepths of hell and do ALL the right things. Call it a rant or whatever. When I start to believe I’m better than ANYONE ELSE I’m being a self-center fool who is of no use to others. Hey, what the hell do I know Right? Good luck to those that are in denial about this issue. Most are one pay check away from becoming homeless. A million ways to become homeless. So, if you are willing to make a difference and feel foggy go volunteer. Hopefully it will open up your eyes and heart. I learned more about life teaching others then I did in college.

To those who continue to say/think that homeless people are dangerous:

I am calling you out!

Anybody can be dangerous at any given point in time! But on the other hand you can walk down the street and some punk or punks can jump you! I am living example – I got jumped TWICE – once by 5 young black punks and the other time by an older black man whom I found out was quite well off! Plus, more often than not it’s the homeless people who end up becoming a victim of crime themselves! MOST (not all) homeless people just want to be left alone because they have been through enough as it is! MANY don’t bother anybody, and stay out of trouble! Then there are those whom have had their medications cut because of budget crisis’s so they are NOT in their right mind – that is NOT their fault either tho! Yes there are the few that are drug addicts or alcoholics – but that does NOT mean they can not be helped – they just have to be ready – which is harder than you think when you have no support in a cold world! And to be honest – you can find the SAME kind of chaos/trouble/drama in the every day American family lives! THEN there are programs designed to help the homeless, but their funding keeps getting cut! Many do not have a good steady work history, or good stable credit – which hurts in the long run as we all know! And it continues to get worse through time!

So STOP blaming homeless people for crimes they are NOT responsible for!

